Download Php5apache2_4.Dll Win64

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Download Php5apache2_4.Dll Win64 Average ratng: 4,8/5 9938 votes

Can someone tell me where I can download php5apache2_2.dll? There are a lot of sites to download it, but I'm not sure about security. I checked in ApacheLounge site but I just found out php5apache2_4.dll and it doesn't match.

Can anyone recommend me a security site to download the file? Capturing reality torrent.

Download Php5apache2 4 Dll 64 Bit

Apache Lounge already has php5apache2 4.dll for php 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 (!!!! Apache 2.4!!!!) But its work on Windows x86 only 🙁 Do you can to do the same for Windows x64?


closed as off-topic by Mat, gregwhitaker, Amal Murali, halfer, SpudleyDec 23 '13 at 13:26

Download Php5apache2_4.dll X64

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Download Php5apache2_4.Dll Win64
  • 'Questions asking us to recommend or find a tool, library or favorite off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.' – Mat, gregwhitaker, Amal Murali, halfer, Spudley
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1 Answer

Download from following location

Rubin PorwalRubin Porwal

Download Php5apache2_4.dll Win64

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